Pure passion

Two quality addicts from different worlds have joined forces to use their expertise for the common goal. To make the best wine - uncompromisingly with full risk without ifs and buts.

Respect for the environment

Unique wines are created. Always consistently environmentally friendly, in the vineyard, in the cellar and beyond. The premise: better to lose money than not to remain true to oneself.

Sensuality in highest exclusivity

Lowest yields per hectare with severely limited volumes with
tangible, smellable, tasteable pleasure. Pur Platinum red with less than 1,000 bottles per year guarantees the most exclusive sensuality.

Success through creative teamwork

Through the symbiosis of the experiences of the two successful founders from different worlds, PUR became one of the best wineries in Austria and internationally within a very short time: the Formula 1 of wine as a benchmark.